Thursday, February 12, 2009

What the French Say

Everynight I read a story to Joachim. I usually lay down in his bed with him, and almost everyday I have to ask him to scoot over so I can actually fit on his bed. The other night I asked him to 'Scoot over si vous plait' I explained that 'si vous plait' is what the people in France say for 'please.'
Now Joachim loves his Uncle John, and takes everything he says as truth. So when my brother John tells Joachim that the French say 'Oui oui, ha ha!' Joachim believes it. So when I told him the French say 'si vous plait', he turns to me and says, 'no Papa, the French say 'oui oui, ha ha' complete with the nasel tone so typical of the French and in a way that says "I'm better than you" He really knows the French mentality.


The Murray's said...


James Marcel Patras said...

That's why you don't let him hang around uncle John...what else will John teach him???