Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Well this last friday we got a whole bunch of guys to pick up Al Zink's chicken coop! but the next day when I started cleaning the thing out I realized it was not worth the effort. It is just falling apart, so Ben is building a new one for me. We still dont have the chickens yet : ( I have also started to potty train Joe I realize that if I ask him if he has to go potty of course he says NO but if I tell him to go sit on the potty he will! so far all has gone on the floor : ( but it has only been a day.


James Marcel Patras said...

So, Joe has only gone potty in his pants and on the floor? Good start Kari...

The Murray's said...

Hee Hee! Have fun with that! LOL

Aaron said...

Don't worry, it will all come out allright in the end. ;)

The Knight Family said...

keep up with potty training. I found that giving treats helps. At first Levi got money for going in the toilet; then it evolved to candy! Letting him wear "cool" underwear helped too. Buzz Lightyear, Lightning McQueen, Nemo, etc.
PS Glad to see you are posting again!

The Murray's said...

You know what else works well? Put cheerios in the toilet, and tell him to shoot them with his pee... Fun, and gets the job done! Plus, very entertaining for you! LOL

Dad said...

...so Kari, tell us about the new chicks around the house. You're not worried about Ben and the Chicks are you?

It sounds like you are doing fine with the potty training. Each child is motivated by something different. I saw Naomi in action with Levi. She always picked just the right thing to motivate him -- something good, but not too big. Something that he would want again in a little while.

It is nice to have helpful comments backed by experience.

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."
- Plutarch